Are there benefits of prayer beyond a stronger relationship with God?
Do you ever wonder whether God hears your prayers? God’s Word tells us to pray at all times. James also wrote that the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective (see James 5:16).
Prayer is powerful because it aligns our hearts with a Higher Power: the Living God.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, our prayers lead us into the presence of God. The power of Jesus Christ is activated in us when we seek God’s face in prayer.
Whether you regularly engage in powerful daily prayer times or your prayer life could use a fresh breath of inspiration, take a moment to soak in the positive effects of prayer of prayer today.
God is waiting to meet with you, speak to you, and shape your heart into this image of his heart of love.
Ultimately, the purpose of prayer is that your prayer times will transform you into the image of Christ Jesus while leading you closer to your loving heavenly Father.
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The Benefits of Praying
God calls us to pray because he longs for close and intimate relationships with each of us. If you long for a better relationship with God, prayer is a key to growing closer to him.
Your heavenly Father wants you to talk to him as you would talk to a close friend—pouring your heart out to him on a regular basis.
He wants you to find quiet moments to pray to him with focus, and he invites you to talk to him all day long, as well.
When you fully understand the importance of prayer and how it can transform your life, you’ll never want to stop praying!
Let’s take a look at 11 ways prayer can help us in our lives.
Prayer Aligns Our Hearts With God’s Heart
First, prayer aligns our emotions with God’s heart.
It’s important to note that while prayer includes talking to God, it also includes creating space to listen for God’s gentle impressions.
God did not design prayer to be a monologue. He wants to speak to our hearts when we pray.
When the impressions we sense God speaking to our hearts align with common sense, wisdom, God’s Word, and wise counsel, he is often directing us.
If you are new to prayer and not sure exactly how to get started, here are some creative but powerful prayer methods.
Prayer Carries Us Through Difficult Times
In difficult times, prayer leads us to God’s help. According to John 16:33, God’s plan for each of our lives includes difficult times and trials.
However, during these times, God invites us to draw near to him in prayer.
He puts us in situations in which trusting him is difficult because he wants us to grow in trust. Praying through these times helps us keep soft and teachable hearts.
Prayer Ushers Us Into the Presence of God
Remarkably, we can commune with the Creator of the universe. Prayer leads us into God’s presence, which might be the best thing about the practice of prayer.
Starting a habit of daily morning prayer can be a wonderful way of connecting with God first thing every day.
There is no better way to begin a day than by stepping into the presence of God.
Prayer Is Good for Our Emotional Health
When negative emotions threaten to overtake us, praying can help us return to peace.
Scientific studies show that prayer is good for our emotional health. Prayer can even lower heart rate and decrease stress hormones in the body.
The next time you feel overwhelmed by troubling emotions, pause to look toward God and ask for his help.
He is listening, and he is capable of helping calm your nervous system.
Prayer Leads Us Into the Peace of God
In his letter to the early church in Philippi, the Apostle Paul encouraged God’s people to pray with thanksgiving in all situations.
In return, the peace of God would cover them (see Philippians 4:6-7). This promise is true for us, too.
God is concerned about the mental health of his children. He wants to see us walking in his peace.
Prayer can help us step into greater mental stability as we cast our cares on God and trust him to tend to our troubles.
Prayer Promotes Better Physical Health
By stabilizing our emotional and mental health, prayer is also good for the body.
When we learn to turn to God in prayer instead of perseverating over our worries, our levels of stress decrease, and good health is promoted.
Prayer Leads to Spiritual Victory
Prayer also leads us to victory in the spiritual realms. We often feel as though we are fighting battles in the physical world; meanwhile, the spiritual world is just as real.
The words of Ephesians 6:12 remind us of the following:
“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places” (NLT).
We can find victory in the Lord Jesus by standing on his name and praying in his name. When we pray, spiritual forces in the heavenly realms move in response to our prayers.
Prayer Glorifies God
Jesus modeled the perfect example of prayer when the disciples asked him how to pray.
He responded with the following words, often referred to as The Lord’s Prayer:
“Our Father, who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil” (Matthew 6:6, NASB).
This kind of prayer glorifies God by honoring his name as holy.
This prayer includes asking God to meet our needs, asking for God’s will to be fulfilled, seeking forgiveness, and asking for God’s protection.
Prayer Fills Us With God’s Love for Others
Have you ever noticed that it’s difficult to remain angry at someone when you pray for them? Prayer softens our hearts toward others.
The next time you hold a grudge or feel offended by someone else, begin praying for that person daily.
You will most likely find that this kind of prayer changes your heart.
Prayer Unites Us as Believers
Prayer unites believers by leading us to the throne of God together.
Whether gathered together in a prayer group or praying over the same requests from afar, prayer bonds God’s people together.
It unites our hearts and minds as we seek the Lord’s face together.
Prayer Reminds Us That Our Lives Are Not Our Own
The Prophet Jeremiah prayed the following words:
“I know, Lord, that our lives are not our own. We are not able to plan our own course. So correct me, Lord, but please be gentle. Do not correct me in anger, for I would die” (Jeremiah 10:23-24, NLT).
When we turn to God in prayer, we remind ourselves that our lives belong to God. These surrendered prayers help us to grow in trust and faith in God.
Are you looking for some tools and tips to boost your prayer life? If so, be sure to visit our Prayer Resources Library where you’ll find everything you need to become a powerful prayer warrior!
The Benefits of Prayer are Infinite!
The power of prayer is real!
Do you want more peace in your life? Would you like to see God move in powerful ways?
Commit to spending focused time in prayer daily. God wants to meet with you in the quiet moments of your days. He invites you to pour your heart out to him in prayer.
God wants to talk to you all day long.
Cast your cares on him, tell him your worries, thank him for his gifts, and talk to him as you would talk to a close friend. This kind of regular prayer can transform your life.
It doesn’t matter what type of prayer you pray; just make sure you implement prayer and prayerful meditation in your daily life!
There are many benefits to prayer, and you can experience those benefits the more you pray.
Why not give it a try to see what the Lord can do in your life today?
If you are new to your faith, learning how to pray is actually very simple! The hardest part is simply getting started!