Are you looking for some powerful prayers for pain relief?
When God created His beautiful creation and called it good, there was no pain. Everything was good, and pain, of course, is not something God would have called good.
The pain came about when Adam and Eve decided they knew more than God and listened to the lying serpent instead of God and ate from the tree in the middle of the Garden. As a result, our lifestyle and world changed forever. The sin of Adam and Eve brought sin into the world.
Genesis 3:16 (NIV) Then he said to the woman, “I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain, you will give birth. And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you.”
Even though we all would love to live in a world without pain, it will not be possible here on this Earth. However, we know from Revelation 21:4 pain will be gone forever when God comes back to call His people to live with Him in Heaven for eternity.
So until this time, here are some powerful ways to pray for relief from pain.
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How Do You Pray for Someone in Physical Pain
Healing from pain was spoken about in the Old Testament; however, in the New Testament, we see friends and neighbors who brought their friends who were in physical pain to Jesus for relief.
Friends would fight through crowds, put a hole in the top of a hut and lower their friend so that Jesus could touch and heal the pain of their friend. Since we, unfortunately, do not have the opportunity to take our friends to the actual Jesus person, what do we do?
How do you pray for someone in physical pain?
Praying is a conversation with God, just like talking with friends or family by phone or text. Praying is something we should not take for granted, use as a second choice or make it harder than it is. We may not physically see our Heavenly Father, but He is always ready to listen to us.
Praying for someone in pain only takes us opening up the communication lines between ourselves and God, which is easy – call out to our Heavenly Father. Once we call out, we start talking.
We reveal who we would like to pray for and what we want. Now we may think this is the complicated part; however, we need to be honest. Ask for anything, but while we are asking, we must believe without a doubt God can do what we are asking.
Matthew 21:21-22 (NLT) Then Jesus told them, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don’t doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it.”
Bible Verses for Pain Relief
While praying, you may want to quote Bible verses on pain relief to build your confidence and faith in God. Finding verses we can read, recite, memorize, write or send to others in pain is a beautiful way to share the love of God.
The Bible contains many verses concerning pain relief, especially in the New Testament when Jesus walked on Earth and healed people of their pain and sickness. Even though Jesus was not on Earth in the Old Testament, through other people, God would heal people as well.
Pain is not a fun and exciting thing, but receiving relief from the pain can make all the pain we suffered much more worthy because we will witness what can be with our Heavenly Father’s power.
In 2 Chronicles 12:6-8, the leaders and the king humbled themselves, and as a result of seeing the change of heart, he gave a message to Shemaiah,
“Since the people have humbled themselves, I will not completely destroy them and will soon give them some relief.”
David was not a perfect man and committed sins. Because of his sins and leadership, he was attacked many times and fled. When he ran, He would pray to God for relief. In Psalm 143:1, David prays to the Lord,
“Lord, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy;in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief.”
Also, in Psalm 4:1, David cries to God,
“Answer me when I call to you, my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; have mercy on me and hear my prayer.”
In the prayers from David, he always addressed the Lord with reverence, and with a positive attitude, God would hear him, and God would have mercy and answer him. When reading these Bible verses for pain relief, remember to have confidence and faith while giving God the respect He deserves.
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Prayers for Relief from Pain
Pain can be from many sources. We could have pain from losing someone we love. We could have pain from living with a medical condition that causes daily chronic pain.
Even after minor surgery, the pain will be part of the healing process. During these times of distress, finding a prayer to pray for relief from the pain is valuable.
Write these prayers in a journal, hang on your mirror, or anywhere you can see them daily. Reading these prayers daily and sometimes hourly can bring the relief from pain that comes only from praying to our Heavenly Father.
Related: Morning Prayers of Gratitude
Prayer for Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is a daily pain many people have. It’s not like a toothache or a headache where you take some medicine to wake up tomorrow, and you feel better. Chronic pain is a pain you sometimes have for many, many years. Living with chronic pain causes physical pain and can cause emotional pain due to the inability to perform specific tasks.
The disciples would go out and heal people by praying and anointing them with oil. While some people may not have oil, the prayer of a faithful servant of the Lord can bring healing from chronic pain.
James 5:13-15 details what to do when people are sick. We are to call the church elders to come to pray and anoint with oil in the “name of the Lord.”
A prayer for chronic pain could be similar to the following.
Dear Heavenly and Precious Father. You are so good to us. We have more blessings than we deserve or could ever thank you for – I am abundantly blessed. I come to you with faith I can move a mountain.
If I could touch your hem, I would instantly be healed, and the chronic pain would be gone forever. Just like a blind man who can’t see you, I can feel and hear you and know your presence is here with me. Heal me from this chronic pain which I know you can. I believe you can do this. In the name of Jesus, our Jehovah-Rapha. Amen.
Pray this prayer against your chronic pain with faith and obedience, knowing God will and can perform miracles. He has been performing them since the beginning of time.
Prayer for Pain Relief After Surgery
None of us like to have surgery. It doesn’t matter how simple of a surgery, afterward there is healing and pain with it. We must heal from the inside out. From the inside to the outside, we must believe who can help us recover and find pain relief after surgery, our Precious Jehovah-Rapha.
To receive relief from pain after surgery, we usually turn to the medicine the doctors provide. And while this is okay because God created the people who made the medicine to help us, we also can pray to our Heavenly Father for relief from the pain.
God doesn’t want any of His people to suffer from pain. When we pray after surgery, we must remember to thank Him for where He has brought us thus far.
Our prayer for pain relief after surgery would be similar to this:
Heavenly Father, My Jehovah-Rapha, I want to thank you for the blessings and safety through my surgery. You were with me and held my hand through the entire process. I am blessed beyond measure.
If I seek, knock, and ask you, I will continue to bring me relief after the surgery. I come to you knowing as Jesus said to you before He was crucified, “Father, if you are willing (and I know you can) will you take this cup (of pain) from me.” Father, I believe you can and will.
You have abundant mercy and grace for us if we have the faith to accept all of it. There is power in Your Name, and I speak it now, in Jesus Name, take this pain from me. Amen.
Pray this prayer for pain relief after surgery fervently and with all compassion and love for the one who created us.
Prayer is the Best Pain Killer
Christians, for many centuries, have used prayer to help with the pain. At times prayer is the only answer for our pain.
Jesus walked on this Earth as we do, and He died the most gruesome death of all, crucifixion. He knew what pain was as well.
In Luke 22:39-45, Jesus goes away from disciples to pray. He was in agonizing pain, knowing what He was about to live through. Jesus states,
He walked away, about a stone’s throw, and knelt down and prayed, “Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” Then an angel from heaven appeared and strengthened him. He prayed more fervently, and he was in such agony of spirit that his sweat fell to the ground like great drops of blood.
If Jesus, who was Man, who walked on this Earth for each of us went to pray to the Father for his strength and healing, we should go as well. We should use His example of prayer and know when all else fails, we can pray for that is the best pain killer of all.
Luke 23:46 (NLT) Then Jesus shouted, “Father, I entrust my spirit into your hands!” And with those words, he breathed his last.
We should all pray that our spirit will be in the hands of our Father, just like Jesus spoke with His last words on the cross.
Jeanie shares her journey of chronic illness at A Cheerful Heart. She hopes to encourage others struggling with chronic illness and find hope and healing in Jesus Christ.