Happy Sunday on a note with a cup of coffee

Sunday Prayers and Blessings

If you are looking for the perfect Sunday prayers and blessings, the best examples come directly from the word of God.

You can never pray amiss when following Scripture and reminding God of His promises.

God delights in blessing you and takes pleasure in responding to your childlike faith each and every day.

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How Do You Thank God for Sunday?

So, how do you thank God for Sunday?

The main thing to keep in mind is that Sunday prayer is communication with God, just like on any other day.

Each day should be prayer-filled as you pray without ceasing. It should be honest as you approach the throne of God with humility.

(Be sure to download all of the Sunday Prayer images at the very end!)

Each day will also be different as you face a variety of issues to present to the Father. Each day will bring its own blessings and challenges.

However, there are 6 basic elements that will be consistent with each Sunday prayer. It is a helpful rule of thumb to follow Christ’s model prayer that can be found in Matthew 6:9-13 :

woman praying sunday prayers

Praise and worship of God for who He Is:

Gracious God, I praise and honor You because You reign supreme as Creator and Lord.

Welcoming His will for your life while submitting your own:

I invite your Holy Spirit to rule and reign in my life. Please increase in me as I decrease and wait patiently for Your help.

Petitioning God for your daily needs:

Thank you for providing all things that I need that pertain to life and Godliness.

Confessing your sin and seeking His forgiveness :

Search my heart and cleanse me of all sin and unrighteousness. Forgive me for my every shortcoming. Teach me the humility to forgive others and enable me to show genuine love even in the face of hatred and persecution.

Asking for help in the face of potential temptation and evil:

Teach me Your word and guard my heart that I may not sin against You. Hide me under Your wings of love to protect me from hurt, harm, and dangers, both seen and unseen.

Acknowledge God’s total sovereignty, omnipotence, and dominion over all things:

Remind me to always reverence You as the King who wields all power and holds the keys to eternal life. In Jesus’ name, I ask all these things.

Be sure to check our daily prayers library to find prayers to pray every day of the week!

Sunday Prayers and Blessings

Sunday Blessings and Bible Verses

Sunday is typically a break from the standard workweek for many. This is an opportunity to spend dedicated time feeding on the word of God and meditating on His promises.

Here are several Bible verses that will bring you comfort and encouragement as you bring glory to Him.

  • This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalms 118:24 NLT
  • Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. Lamentations 3:23 NLT
  • Because of your unfailing love, I can enter your house; I will worship at your Temple with deepest awe. Psalms 5:7 NLT
  • Who is the King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty; the Lord, invincible in battle. Psalms 24:8 NLT
  • But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not grow faint. Isaiah 40:31 NIV
  • Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and strength belong to our God forever and ever! Amen. Revelation 7:12 NLT

Sunday Prayer Points

Because we believe in Sunday worship and fellowship, you don’t want to start the day casually. Start, instead, by acknowledging the Father, acting as Christ would, and by inviting the Holy Spirit into your day.

Here are several prayer points to consider as you approach God and His presence:

  • Lord, thank You for waking me up to this beautiful day that You have made. I exalt Your name throughout the entire earth.
  • Lord, thank You for Your goodness, kindness and mercy toward me all through the past week.
  • Lord, I praise You for the blessings that are in store for me today and throughout the coming week.
  • Lord, examine my heart and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Create in me a clean heart and renew a loyal spirit in me.
  • Lord, prepare my heart that I would selflessly worship You in spirit and in truth.
  • Lord, open my heart and mind so that I would behold wonderful things out of Your word.
  • Lord, let the words of my mouth and the intents of my heart be acceptable in Your sight.
Sunday Morning Prayer

Sunday Morning Prayers

When you wake up on Sunday morning, you may often feel a sense of joy and peace as it is not usually part of the traditional workweek.

Sometimes, however, it is marked by a busy mind, consumed with baggage from the past week, current responsibilities, and even anxiety about the coming week.

It is helpful to carve out some extra personal devotion time to seek the Lord. God is the One who will provide relief from this busyness:

Dear God, on this beautiful Sunday, I woke up with concerns from last week that I present to You, as only You have the power to resolve them on my behalf. As I look to start another week, I am sure to face battles and issues.

Teach me to rely on You to fight the battles that do not belong to me. Equip me with the spiritual armor needed to battle when I need to stand strong. Show me how to prioritize my responsibilities so that I can glorify You in all that I do.  

Please settle my heart and calm my mind. Grant me the peace that passes all understanding. Thank You for being the joy of my salvation. In Jesus Name.

Sunday Prayer of Thanks

Sunday Prayer of Thanks

Gratitude has the power to soften your heart to be able to recognize the magnificence of the Father.

It will also cause you to be open to receive even the smallest gifts with a heart that is humble.

Sunday is the perfect day to slow down and acknowledge God’s goodness and carefully count your blessings. Take a moment to fashion a prayer such as this to simply give thanks:

Abba Father, each day there is so much to be thankful for because of Your kindness and mercy. Thank you for this brand-new Sunday full of a new set of mercies and grace for my life. Thank you for Your blessings both seen and unseen. Show me how I can honor You throughout this day of common worship.

Allow me the opportunity to show graciousness and love today to my brothers and sisters just as you have shown love to me. Today and every day, I thank You for every good and perfect gift that comes from You. In Jesus Name.

Sunday Prayers of Blessings for the Family

Since your first ministry is to your own family, it is always in order to pray for them both individually and collectively.

The enemy roams around like a roaring lion to see who he can devour so your prayers are an excellent line of defense against his tactics.

You can pray for your family because you may be the one to see the potential for a problem even when they themselves can’t:

Father God, thank You for my family; immediate and extended, natural and spiritual, near and far. I ask for divine protection for them so that no hurt, harm or danger would be all them. Guard them against potential accidents and protect their bodies from disease.

Make them strong to resist the temptation of the enemy and remind them of the victory that is found in you. Guard their hearts, minds, and emotions that they would be sound and whole as you help them to be humble at Your feet. I pray that Your grace and mercy would prevail in their lives so that each one would know You personally and receive the salvation You so freely offer.

Be with each of my family members wherever they may be. Continue to lead, guide and protect them. Guard their homes, keep them safe and bless the work of their hands. In Jesus Name.

Sunday Prayers for the Coming Week

Sunday Prayers for the Coming Week

Sunday is typically a day filled with preparations. Some people make to-do lists for the week to help them plan out their priorities.

On Sunday, it is helpful to make out a “spiritual to-do list” to prioritize for the coming days. Nothing could be better than having the Father spearhead your efforts to make the most of the days ahead.

Let your prayer precede you and then live a life that lines up with your prayers:

Dear God, thank you for the blessing of traveling through another week. I am in awe of Your mercy and kindness toward me and am grateful for Your provisions.

Teach me to steward well over all that You have given me. Show me in the days ahead how to serve others with my time, talents, and resources. Give me wisdom and knowledge to properly prioritize each task that lies ahead. Make the work of my hands fruitful as I seek to please You and to minister to those I encounter.

Father, help me to walk worthy of the vocation You have called me to so that I would be effective and holy in Your sight. Allow me the opportunity to be a witness to someone who dies not know You and to be a shining example of Your love. In Jesus Name.

Sunday Prayer

Sunday Prayers for the Church

Christ will one day soon return for His bride, the Church. But first, the bride must be refined so that it can present itself to Him as pure and spotless.

The enemy knows this and makes it his job to defy the Church at every turn and to attack it in both subtle and overt ways in an effort to destroy it and its individual members.

For this reason, it is always in order to pray for the Body. In fact, we are instructed to pray for all those in the Body and not just for those that we know personally.

Intercession needs to be made for all:

Gracious God, give us, Your church, a spirit of wisdom and knowledge of Your dear Son, Christ Jesus. Help us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice to You. Please accept our humble worship and purify us by Your Holy Spirit.

Help us to always walk worthy of your great calling and to willingly obey Your statutes and commands. Fill us with Your Spirit and mature us in You so that Your fruit would grow big in us that the world may see You in our lives and come to know Christ as Lord and Savior.

Teach us patience with each other, kindness toward each other, and love for one another. Make us a beacon of light for all of the dark world to behold Your glory. I ask that You would unify us so that we are one in You. Sanctify us by Your truth as Your word is truth. In Jesus Name.

Are you looking for some tools and tips to boost your prayer life? If so, be sure to visit our Prayer Resources Library where you’ll find everything you need to become a powerful prayer warrior!

Pray These Sunday Prayers and Blessings!

Every day is a true blessing! Use these Sunday prayers to thank God for all the many blessings He has already provided and continues to provide.

Always remember that no matter the day, you have immediate access to the Father. He is always interested in hearing your heart and in dispatching His angels on your behalf when you pray.

Even when you can’t seem to find the right words to say, know that Holy Spirit is right there to intercede for you with utterances that God can understand.

If you would like to share these Sunday Prayer images on social media, you can get them here.

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