woman and young daughter facing each others with foreheads touching

11 Spiritual Warfare Prayers for My Daughter

Several months ago, I realized it was time to get serious about praying spiritual warfare prayers for my daughter Bekah. She has always been confident, joy-filled, and emotionally sound.  Sadly, her recent transition to middle school was a different story.

Instead of prancing off the school bus happily, she dragged herself through the doorway with a bedraggled expression on her face. She felt overwhelmed by the expectations of eight different teachers, changing classes, and navigating a new building.  For the first time, she dreaded school instead of looking forward to it.

Two weeks into our struggle, the Lord showed me that her battle was more than a struggle to adjust to a new school. 

We were facing a spiritual battle, and it was time for me to focus on praying spiritual warfare prayers for my daughter.

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Spiritual Warfare Prayers for My Daughter

It’s easy to forget that the trials our daughters face are more than just struggles with friendships, school, and everyday stressors.  Our girls are facing battles in the heavenly realms, and God is calling us to pray for our daughters.

The following prayers were born from our difficult transition to middle school; however, these are powerful prayers no matter what your daughter is facing. 

Healing Prayer for My Daughter

Healing Prayer for My Daughter

God wants to heal our daughters’ bodies when they are ill.  He also wants to bring healing to their souls when they are wounded by this broken world. 

Whether my daughter is sick with an illness or hurting emotionally, I pray this healing prayer for her:

Lord, I pray for protection over my daughter’s body, mind, and emotions.  I ask you to put a hedge of protection around her so that no weapon formed against her will prosper. 

Strengthen her body when she feels weak.  Steady her emotions and give her a sound mind—fixed on Christ.  Thank you for being our Healer, Helper, and Defender.  In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Prayer of Surrender for My Daughter

Prayer of Surrender for My Daughter

More than anything else, I want Jesus to guide my daughter’s life.  It’s vital to pray for our daughters to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.  We can also continue to pray the following prayer of surrender over their lives:

Lord Jesus, through the work of your Holy Spirit, help my daughter surrender to your lordship in her life. Show her what it looks like to trust in you to meet all of her needs. 

Counsel her to stay in step with your Spirit instead of following worldly wisdom.  In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Hope Filled Prayer for My Daughter

A Hope-Filled Prayer for My Daughter

Most of us try to avoid distressing situations.  When life gets tough, we put our hope in getting to the other side of the troubled season. 

Our daughters are no different.  When school became difficult, Bekah became desperate to escape the stress.  She frequently begged me to pull her from school and teach her from home. 

During this time, I began praying the following prayer:

Father, help my daughter put her hope in the promise that you are always with her.  She is tempted to put her hope in escaping her difficult circumstances. 

In Jesus’ name, silence the voice of the enemy.  Help her to find peace in knowing that you are with her amid her greatest trials.  Make yourself known as her Comforter and her source of hope.  In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Trust Prayer for My Daughter

Trust Prayer for My Daughter

God wants us to teach our daughters to trust him with the parts of their lives they don’t understand.

The writer of Proverbs reminds us: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5, NASB). 

Most of us rely on human reasoning to make sense of life’s confusing scenarios. 

I pray the following spiritual warfare prayer for my daughter when she is confused by her circumstances:

Lord God, I ask you to lead my daughter to new depths of trust in you.  Her circumstances don’t make sense to her right now, and she is tempted to rely on human reasoning. 

By the power of the Holy Spirit, help her to trust you with the parts of her life that don’t make sense to her right now.  In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Spirit Filled Prayer for My Daughter

Spirit-Filled Prayer for My Daughter

Our heavenly Father wants to fill our daughters with the power of his Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is our girls’ primary source of counsel, comfort, and guidance. For this reason, praying the following prayer on a regular basis holds the power to transform our daughters’ lives:

Holy Spirit, come and fall fresh upon my daughter today.  Fill her with your counsel, comfort, and wisdom.  Help her to carry the love of Christ to the world around her.

May your joy and peace cover her—even in the most stressful and difficult moments.  Don’t let her feel comfortable or complacent in sin and give her discernment to stay in step with you.  In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Friendship Prayer for My Daughter

Friendship Prayer for My Daughter

In his letter to the Corinthian church, the Apostle Paul wrote, “Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company corrupts good morals’” (1 Corinthians 15:33, NASB). 

Friendships are important.  Our daughters’ friendships will strongly influence the paths they travel throughout their lives.  For this reason, it’s important to pray over our daughters’ friendships.

I frequently pray the following prayer over my daughter’s friendships:

Lord, please bring Christ-following friends into my daughter’s life.  Let her be drawn to friends who love you and want to carry your love into the world. 

Through your divine intervention, let her cross paths with friends from Christian families, and unite them through bonds of love.

I pray her closest friendships will be with those who will uplift her and point her back to Christ.  In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Prayer of Confidence for My Daughter

A Prayer for Confidence for My Daughter

Insecurity plagues women of all ages.  For this reason, praying for our daughters to find confidence in Jesus is vital.  Here’s a prayer for your daughter’s confidence:

Lord Jesus, please help my daughter to find her confidence in you.  Help her to understand that she doesn’t need to prove herself through what she can accomplish.

Give her the confidence of knowing that you are always on her side, and you fight her battles for her.  In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Prayer for My Daughter to Love God's Word

A Prayer for My Daughter to Love God’s Word

The Psalmist wrote, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105, NASB). 

By living according to God’s Word, our daughters will be blessed and protected.  We can pray the following prayer for our girls to love God’s written Word:

Lord God, fill my daughter with a hunger for your Word.  May she long to know you more deeply. 

I pray she will experience the nourishment found through your Word and experience its transforming power.  In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Refuge Prayer for My Daughter

Refuge Prayer for My Daughter

Most of us face the temptation to seek refuge apart from God.

We turn to worldly comforts like food, entertainment, shopping, and social media in our search for reprieve.  Meanwhile, God wants us to find our comfort and reprieve in him. 

I often pray the following spiritual warfare prayers for my daughter:

Lord Jesus, help my daughter learn to find refuge in you.  I pray that the comforts of this world will not be satisfying to her.  Lead her to practical ways to turn to you for rest, comfort, and reprieve. 

Reveal yourself to her in creative and tangible ways.  Help her to experience the power of your presence. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Identity Prayer for My Daughter

Identity Prayer for My Daughter

Our daughters will be tempted to form their identities upon shifting sands.  They will be tempted to define themselves by the activities they are a part of and the traits they feel proud of.

Meanwhile, God wants them to learn to find their identities as his beloved daughters.  This is the only part of them that can never change or be taken away.  We can pray the following prayer for them to find their identities in Christ:

Jesus, please help my daughter understand what it means to be your beloved child.  Help her to grasp the reality that this is the only part of her identity that can never be stripped away from her. 

May she live from her belovedness—without needing to prove herself through her accomplishments. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Passion Prayer for My Daughter

Passion Prayer for My Daughter

Our daughters will develop passions.  Some of them will be passionate about athletics.  Others will be passionate about academics, the arts, or serving their communities. 

Praying for our daughters’ passions is important because their passions will guide their decisions.  We can pray the following prayer for our daughters’ passions and interests:

Lord, please help my daughter to be passionate about loving you and loving others.  Fill her with a deep desire to carry your light and love into this world. 

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, align her heart with yours.  In Jesus’ Name. Amen

By God’s grace, our daughter Bekah is settling into middle school.  Nonetheless, I continue to uplift her daily as I pray these spiritual warfare prayers for my daughter.

No matter what you are facing with your daughter right now, have hope.  God is working in her life, and he will bring to completion the good work he began in her.

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Warfare Prayers for My Daughter

Be sure to also check out these prayers:

Stacey Pardoe spends her days exploring wild places with her three children, cleaning up messes, and writing words in the fringe hours.  She writes weekly at https://staceypardoe.com/.

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