Are you looking for some uplifting prayers for veterans?
Praying for the men and women, who sacrificially served our country, brings a heart of thanksgiving, and gives glory to God. Every petition for the Veteran community is vitally important.
God hears every plea on their behalf. Veterans have served our country, and we, in turn, have the privilege to support them with our prayers.
Let’s dive in and see how we can pray for our veteran community.
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How Can We Pray for Our Veterans
Veterans have served us to ensure our freedoms. Their needs vary once they’ve been discharged from active duty. Veterans are proud of their service to our nation.
And prayer is a respectable act of asking God to meet each need in their lives.
Here are some Bible verses for encouragement to pray over our veterans.
- Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually (1 Chronicles 16:11 ESV).
- First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people (1 Timothy 2:1 ESV).
- And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart (Luke 18:1 ESV).
- I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers (Ephesians 1:16).
In praying for our veterans, we can pray to simply thank God for giving us people willing to sacrifice their own lives so that we can have a better life.
We can pray for them and the struggles that may be facing. We can pray for their families.
Prayers for Veterans
Welcome home is commonly associated with soldiers coming back from overseas duty. However, our Veterans need to know our hearts are open to them long after they have served.
These men and women are the histories we connect to the military. Veterans in the past and in the present have dedicated their lives to our nation. So we honor them with our prayers.
O Lord, let us not forget the sacrifice of our Veterans. Bless them and remind them that their service was for the good of our country. Thank you for bringing them home safely. Bless their future.
Give them faith to overcome obstacles they may face. Help their families, friends, and country to appreciate their sacrificial service to their country. In Jesus Name
Prayer of Thanks to Veterans
What images come to mind when you think of Veterans? Do you think of our country’s heritage, our freedoms, or the flag?
I can’t help but think of our Veterans who have served with dignity to place themselves in harm’s way to preserve the freedom of our nation.
Let us remember to have a thankful heart for each one who has served. Here are some prayer points to use as a guide to thank God for our veterans.
- Lord, thank you for the Veterans who have served in war.
- Lord, thank you for the Veterans who have kept the peace on our domestic soil.
- Lord, thank you for the sacrifice of the Veterans and their families.
- Lord, thank you for their example of bravery and courage.
- Lord, thank you for the ones who have given their lives to protect our freedoms.
Here is an example of a prayer of thanks for veterans:
Heavenly Father, you tell us to give you thanks in all things because this is your will for those in Christ Jesus. We enter your presence with a heart of thanksgiving for the Veterans who have served while separated from their families.
Thank you for their return home from far away duties. We are grateful for their protection and the protection of their families. Lord, our hearts are grateful for your goodness and steadfast love you have for each Veteran. We continually remember them in our prayers. Amen
Prayer for Homeless Veterans
It’s not unusual for many of the homeless to have served in the Armed Forces. When you drive around or carry your groceries to your car, consider that a homeless person may be a Veteran.
I’ve seen a few homeless veterans fly the American flag from their wheelchairs or shopping carts. It reminds me to pray for them. We do not know the circumstances of their homelessness, but we can pray for each of their needs.
Here is an example of a prayer for homeless veterans:
Lord, help homeless Veterans get in touch with family, churches, and mental health programs that will benefit them. Most of these services are free for Veterans. Father, restore what has been taken away.
Give them a sound mind, a companion to come alongside, and a will to accept help. Lord, please draw them by your spirit and give them a desire to know you. Almighty God, you are their help. Amen.
Prayer for Veterans with PTSD
PTSD in Veterans often develops after serving in combat. PTSD can also occur after experiencing or seeing a life-threatening event, natural disaster, or sexual assault while in the military. PTSD is more common in the military than in the general population.
These past experiences can take a toll on their emotions long after separating from active duty. We can petition God for the Veteran suffering from PTSD.
Here is a sample prayer for veterans struggling with PTSD:
Dear God, you know the emotional pain these Veterans experience. Give them rest from their PTSD and the negative memories that come. Replace their anxiety with your peace.
Bring healing to the hearts and minds of each Veteran who is suffering. Lord, you know what each one needs. Grant them wisdom, provisions, and hope to move forward to heal. In Jesus Name.
Prayer for Fallen Veteran Families
Spouses, children, parents, and siblings whose loved ones died in service to our country become Gold Star Family members. This organization serves surviving families and helps them to process their grief.
Families are the strength of their soldiers. They come together to honor their fallen.
I am a member of America’s Gold Star Families. I lost a brother who served our country. My family received much help during this difficult time. Let us remember the fallen Veteran families in prayer.
Dear Lord, the loss of a loved one while serving in the military is devastating. We bow our heavy hearts. Comfort each grieving spouse, child, parent, sibling, and other family members. Help us to cherish the good memories.
You tell us there is a time to be born and a time to die. Help us to know your desire for people to be with you in heaven. Help us to look to you in our grief. For you are our eternal Father. Amen
Prayer for Veterans Transitioning to Civilian Life
Many Veterans struggle to learn new ways to adjust to civilian life after serving in the Armed Forces. These Veterans are taking off their uniform for the last time. At the same time, they are walking into a new environment. This can be difficult.
However, many Veterans choose to give back to their community long after their time of service is completed. This helps them feel connected to the military while living as a civilian.
Here are some ways to pray for veterans transitioning into civilian life.
- Lord, help Veterans establish new routines.
- Lord, help Veterans learn new skills to enter the civilian workforce.
- Lord, teach Veterans not to rush the process, but to approach each situation with patience.
- Lord, guide the disabled Veterans to receive services for their care.
- Lord, calm all anxieties and fears.
God, the move from military life to civilian life can be met with numerous challenges. You know what each Veteran will face when transitioning. Go before them and make their pathways straight.
Meet every physical, spiritual, financial, and relational need they have. Help them to call upon you while waiting for the answers they need. Give them hope, clarity, and the courage to transition well. In Jesus Name.
Veterans Day Prayer
Honoring Veterans Day began with the end of World War 1 on November 11, 1918. The United States began celebrating Veterans Day in 1954. America continues this celebration as a holiday.
More than a holiday, we remember the heroism of all the men and women who served our nation in wars and during times of peace. Let us not forget to pray for our Veterans on Veterans Day.
Heavenly Father, we take time, not just from tradition, but from a grateful heart remembering all those who have served our nation. We pay tribute to all our veterans, We are thankful for the freedoms we have today because of their service. Bring eternal peace to their hearts and satisfaction in you. In Jesus Name.
Are you looking for some tools and tips to boost your prayer life? If so, be sure to visit our Prayer Resources Library where you’ll find everything you need to become a powerful prayer warrior!
Most of us know a Veteran. Many of us are Veterans and have family members who have served. Knowing the sacrifices they have made humbles us to give thanks and prayers for their service.
I hope these uplifting prayers for veterans will serve as a guide for you to pray for your veteran today!
And if you have a loved one currently serving on active duty, we also have some powerful prayers for our military that you may want to check out!
Phyllis Boles (Tapestry of Beauty) is an Administration Assistant, Mentor, and Bible Teacher for Forgotten Children Inc. at Rachel’s House of Healing Residential Home for women who have been trafficked into prostitution. She is an Air Force Veteran and a PTSD survivor.