black and white image of clasped hands laying on top of an open Bible

12 Powerful War Room Prayers for Spiritual Battle

War room prayers are a powerful tool to have access to!

Several years ago, our family endured a season of spiritual battles.  It was unlike anything we had ever experienced.  Every area of our lives seemed to be under attack. 

Our finances took several difficult hits, our children faced severe illnesses, our pets died suddenly, appliances broke, and friendships became strained. I quickly realized that I needed more war room prayers to carry us through the difficult time.

In response, I turned a small corner of our basement into my war room.  I posted Bible verses on the walls and hung pictures of our family and friends.

Every morning, I entered the war room and praised Jesus in song, read Scripture, and prayed out loud against the oppression our family was facing.

black and white image of clasped hands laying on top of an open Bible

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What is a War Room Prayer

War room prayer is a way of doing battle in the spiritual realm.  According to Ephesians 6, the battles we face in life are not merely physical.  They are spiritual battles.  Angels and demons are constantly at war all around us.

Engaging in war room prayer is a way of stepping into the spiritual world and aligning ourselves with Jesus. 

We begin by acknowledging that the spiritual realm is real.  We then declare our alignment with Jesus and pray in Jesus’ power.  This prayer might include praying Scripture, praying in Jesus’ name, worshiping in song, and more.

Let’s look at some examples of powerful war room prayers.

Powerful War Room Prayers

War room prayers can be a powerful tool for spiritual growth and strengthening one’s relationship with God.

By having war room prayers readily available, individuals can access them whenever they need to engage in focused and intentional prayer.

Here are a couple of general war room prayers to keep handy for any occasion:

“Lord Jesus, thank you that you have all authority in heaven and on earth.  Everything that was created was created by you and for your glory.  We decree that your glory will prevail on Earth and within the situations we are currently facing.  Amen.”

Here’s another example:

“Jesus, thank you that you have disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame by triumphing over them.  We stand in your victory and walk in your power as we pray for healing, wholeness, restoration, deliverance, and victory today.  Amen.”

Now, let’s explore 10 specific war room prayers for various situations.

woman with hands together as she prays

War Room Prayer for Discouragement

We all face discouragement in life.  It’s easy to assume that discouragement is just a normal part of daily living; however, if we succumb to discouragement, we might not fulfill our God-given callings.

“Jesus, thank you that I am raised with you and seated with you in heavenly places (see Ephesians 2:6).  I pray against the spirit of discouragement as I fix my eyes on you and worship you.  Empower me to press forward with resilience, perseverance, and hope.  Amen.”

When you feel discouraged, thank Jesus for seating you with him in heavenly places.  Fix your eyes on him.  Turn on a worship song.

Praise him, and you will take a huge step toward encouraging your spirit.

War Room Prayer for Troubling Thoughts

Worry, anxiety, fear, doubt, and other troubling thoughts can be difficult to overcome.  The enemy wants these thoughts to dominate our minds and lead us to turn away from the Lord.

“Jesus, thank you that the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. In your name, I destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God.  I take every thought captive to obey you. I ask you to help me to align my thoughts with your thoughts.  Amen.”

Instead of focusing on our troubled thoughts, we can align ourselves with Jesus and take these thoughts captive.  We imagine putting troubled thoughts in a prison cell in our minds as we stand on God’s Word.

After praying this war room prayer, it is helpful to find a Bible verse that specifically speaks to the troubling situation.  When troubled thoughts arise, we speak God’s Word instead of worrying.

War Room Prayer for Temptation

We all face temptation in life.  Whether you are praying for yourself or a loved one, follow Jesus’ example in this war room prayer.

When Jesus was in the wilderness, Satan tempted him three times (see Luke 4).  Each time he was tempted, Jesus fought back by speaking the Word of God. 

“Jesus, thank you for the example you set when Satan tempted you in the wilderness.  According to your example, I stand firm on the Word of God and decree that no weapon formed against me will prosper.  Show me the way out of tempting situations so that I might live for your glory.  Amen.”

Speak God’s Word in the face of your temptations and as you pray over your loved ones, the enemy will be defeated by the Word.

man kneeling by his bed with an open Bible with hands together as he prays

War Room Prayer for Bad Days

A bad day might not feel like a prompt to enter the war room in prayer; however, God wants us to live with joy and peace.  Instead of letting our emotions overcome us, we can shift out of bad moods with a surprising weapon: gratitude.

“Jesus, we know that gratitude can change any bad mood.  Thank you for this gift.  In alignment with your command to give thanks in all circumstances, we thank you for________(name at least five gifts from God).  Amen.”

God’s Word tells us to give thanks in all circumstances.  He commands this because he wired our brains to respond to thankfulness.  Recent discoveries in neuroscience show that we can destroy destructive brain matter and build new, healthy brain matter by giving thanks.

For this reason, let gratitude become a war room weapon.  Satan does not want God’s children to give thanks, and we defeat him when we cultivate grateful hearts.

War Room Prayer for Healing

Whether you are seeking physical, emotional, or mental healing, Jesus wants you to ask him to heal you.  It’s important to recognize that Jesus uses many different means to heal us.

“Lord Jesus, you are our great Healer.  Thank you for healing and wholeness in our lives.  In your name, I pray for your healing to touch me and change me so that I might give glory to your name.  In your name, I cast out the spirit of infirmity and illness and pray for restoration.  Amen.”

Sometimes, Jesus spontaneously and miraculously heals us.  Other times, he slowly heals us over time or leads us to the right medical intervention for healing.  Eventually, we will all reach a moment when our healing doesn’t come in this lifetime, and Jesus will call us home to heaven for our healing.

Regardless of which way your healing comes, thank Jesus that his will is to heal you and the ones you love.  As you wait to see his healing manifested, keep thanking him for hearing your prayer.

War Room Prayer for Conflict in Relationships

Close relationships include conflict.  This is a part of human nature in a fallen world.  Meanwhile, God wants to help us work through conflicts.

“Lord, thank you for calling us to live in relationships with others.  Thank you that you desire unity and love within our relationships.  I come to you today and pray for you to intervene in the troubled relationship in my life.  Unite us in your love.  Bind any spirits of division that have come between us.  If it is your will, restore the brokenness through the bond of love in this relationship.  Amen.”

Conflict within relationships often results in the process of iron sharpening iron.  Pray for humility in your relationships and openness to work through problems.  God wants to see his children living in harmony.

War Room Prayer for Marriage

All marriages need prayer because all marriages face attacks from the enemy.  Satan doesn’t want to see God’s children living in unity and working together to bring God’s kingdom to Earth.

“God, thank you for the gift of marriage.  Pour out your Spirit upon this marriage and bond us through the three-stranded cord of your love.  I ask for a humble heart and pray that you will give us one mind and spirit.  Amen.”

I pray for my marriage daily. 

Pray for your husbands! Pray for your wives!

Be faithful to pray for God to work in your marriage, and he will be faithful. 

War Room Prayer for a Struggling Loved One

Watching our loved ones struggle is painful.  We can cover them in prayer by asking Jesus to reveal himself in difficult times.

“Jesus, you see that my loved one is struggling.  Thank you that you haven’t missed a moment of the struggle.  I pray you will make yourself—and your love—known to my loved one.  Please comfort, deliver, encourage, and guide this precious person.  Amen.”

I’ve learned that when a person comes to mind, it is never “random.”  God brings our friends and loved ones to mind as prompts to pray for them.

You might pray the prayer above when a struggling loved one comes to mind, or you might simply imagine lifting this person before God’s throne and envisioning him as he pours his love upon your loved one.

War Room Prayer for the Workplace

The enemy is good at using workplace rules to keep us from sharing the gospel in our workspaces. This is why war room prayers are super powerful and helpful to have for praying over your workplace!

“God, I pray that your presence will permeate my workplace.  Help me to carry your love to these people and exemplify your kindness, patience, endurance, and faithfulness.  Move in this place and cause it to be holy ground—a place where hearts are drawn into your love.  Amen.”

You can become a prayer powerhouse at your workplace by simply praying over it daily.  God will hear your prayers and move in response.

12 Powerful War Room Prayers

War Room Prayer for Your Home

God wants your home to be a haven for you.  He also desires that you will use your home as a safe place for others.

Use this powerful war room prayer to pray over your home:

“Jesus, thank you for your desire to dwell in my home.  I pray that your presence will fill these walls and fall upon everyone who enters.  In your name, I bind and cast out any spirit that does not submit to your lordship and authority.  May this home be a dwelling place of your Holy Spirit and a place where lives are drawn into your love.  Amen.”

Ask Jesus to fill your home with his love and make it this kind of safe place.

When you are at a loss for a war room prayer, always remember the power of the Psalm 91 Prayer of Protection over your home!

Praying against evil spirits is also an important part of praying over our homes.  When I sense the peace of Christ has left our home, I often pray—out loud—and bind any spirits that are not from God. 

I’m often surprised by how quickly the atmosphere seems to change when I pray this way.

Ask God to show you where you might create a war room in your house.  Your war room doesn’t have to be an entire room.  You might simply post some verses on the bathroom wall or at your bedside. 

Are you looking for some tools and tips to boost your prayer life? If so, be sure to visit our Prayer Resources Library where you’ll find everything you need to become a powerful prayer warrior!

Your war room might be your car, your back patio, or your laundry room.  God wants to meet with you in your war room, and he will help you pray in his power.

Most of all, remember that the power of your war room prayers comes from your intimate connection with God.  Stay close to him, and he will empower your prayers.

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