Prayers for wellness can have a huge and positive effect on yourself, your friends, and your family!
God desires health and wellness for his people. Whether we are praying for physical health problems, spiritual issues, mental struggles, or emotional distress, we can pray powerful prayers that move the heart of God.
In his letter to the Ephesian church, the Apostle Paul reminded God’s people that their battle was not against flesh and blood. Instead, they were facing spiritual battles in the heavenly realms (see Ephesians 6). This is true for us today, too.
Our physical, emotional, and mental battles are not merely battles of the flesh. Spirits are moving in the heavenly realms. Our prayers can influence these heavenly battles and bring healing to our lives.
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Prayers for Wellness
God loves his children and wants us to live healthy lives—lives in which we bring glory to his name. When we aren’t well, we often struggle to do God’s work.
Wellness extends far beyond physical matters. God wants us to be emotionally, mentally, and spiritually healthy, too. He is truly our only source of health and wellness!
Let’s look at 11 prayers for wellness and learn how to align ourselves with God’s desires for our lives.
Emotional Wellness Prayer
Our emotions influence every other part of our bodies. Emotional distress often leads to physical, mental, and even spiritual health problems.
For this reason, it’s important to learn how to pray for our emotional wellness. God wants to teach us to turn to him with difficult emotions, and he can help us process these emotions.
Let’s look at an example of a prayer to pray during a hard time or when dealing with a broken heart.
“Dear Lord, thank you that when you came to live on earth, you experienced every human emotion. I ask you to begin the work of healing my broken heart and binding up my emotional wounds. Show me what steps I need to take to move toward wholeness, and I trust you to heal me in your perfect timing. Amen.”
Physical Wellness Prayer
Like our emotional health, when we aren’t physically healthy, the strain on our bodies often affects our minds, emotions, and spirits. For this reason, we can pray for God’s healing hands to touch our bodies and lead us to better health.
Sometimes, God responds with miraculous healing that happens suddenly. Other times, the physical hardship continues for a time, and God restores our physical health gradually.
He might lead us to change the way we move our bodies, lead us to eat healthier foods and develop healthy habits, and nudge us to seek medical intervention—using these means to answer our prayers.
Let’s look at a prayer for our physical wellness.
“O Lord, thank you for the body you have given to me, and thank you for entrusting me to be a good steward of this body. In the name of Jesus, I ask you to heal my body and restore me to physical wellness. I’m truly in need of your healing hand! I wait in eager expectation to see how and when you will manifest this healing, and I claim it in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.”
Spiritual Wellness Prayer
Do you ever have a difficult time connecting with God? Perhaps you’ve been hurt by someone in the church, or you feel like God has let you down.
When this happens, it’s important to pray for God to bring spiritual healing. This process often takes time—and might include seeking counseling or talking to someone you trust—but it can begin with this prayer for healing.
“Heavenly Father, thank you for understanding everything I’m feeling right now. I ask you to restore to me a sense of spiritual wellness and wholeness and restore to me the joy of my salvation. In Jesus’ name, deliver me from any forces that stand against you and align my spirit with you. Amen.”
Mental Wellness Prayer
God wants to renew our minds and lead us to mental wholeness and stability. When our inner thoughts are troubled, it can be difficult to draw near to God and thrive in our daily lives.
Perhaps you are facing a mental health struggle like anxiety or depression. Maybe you need God’s healing hands to reach down and pull you out of a pit of grief or discouragement.
Here’s a prayer to help you move in the right direction.
“Gracious Father, thank you that you desire mental stability and strength for me. I confess that I am weak without you, and I ask you to make your power known in my weakness. Please lead me toward healing and wholeness in my inner thoughts and mental health. Amen.”
Prayer for Wellness of a Friend
Watching our friends suffer is painful. God knows this, and he places us in community with others so that we might build each other up, pray for one another, and point our friends to Christ.
Regardless of how your friend is suffering, praying for a friend is always helpful. Here is a sample wellness prayer for for a friend.
“Gracious God, thank you for your great love for my friend. Please fill my friend with your peace, O God, and offer a greater awareness of your presence. Restore the parts of my friend’s life that feel broken and reveal yourself in this situation. Amen.”
Prayer for Wellness of Mom
God wants us to honor our parents, and prayer is a powerful way to honor our mothers and fathers. When we pray for our parents, we greatly help them.
Whether your mom is healthy or dealing with a health issue, here is a prayer to pray for her wellness.
“Dear God, thank you for my mother. Thank you for the love she has poured out to me throughout her life. In the name of Jesus, I pray for her healing and wellness, so that she might live a long life of enjoying your presence and bringing glory to your name. Amen.”
Prayer for Wellness of Dad
Like praying for our mothers, praying for our fathers honors these men. Whether we are praying for good health results, emotional healing, or endurance, God hears our prayers for our fathers.
Bless and honor your dad by praying the following prayer for him.
“God, thank you for creating my dad uniquely and for your purpose. I pray that you will strengthen his body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Help him to walk in your power, bring glory to your name, and carry your love into the world. Amen.”
Prayer for Wellness of a Spouse
Praying for our spouses is one of the greatest gifts we can offer them. When we pray for their wellness, God does a work in our hearts, too. He fills us with his love and compassion for them.
Regardless of what circumstance your spouse is facing, you can pray for your spouse to have a cheerful heart and hope in Christ. Here’s a prayer you can pray.
“Merciful Father, thank you for my spouse. I pray blessings over my spouse and thank you for the many gifts this special person brings into my life. Please fill my spouse with joy, peace, hope, and a sense of fulfillment as you pour out your love. Amen.”
Prayer for Wellness of a Child
Our children need our prayers. Whether they are dealing with physical health issues, mental health troubles, or emotional struggles, our prayers can change the trajectory of their lives.
God loves our children even more than we love them, and he desires wellness for them. Here is a prayer for wellness to pray over our children.
“Dear Father, thank you for this precious child, and thank you that you care for this child more than I can even imagine. I speak healing, wholeness, and wellness over this young one in the name of Jesus. I pray for emotional stability, mental strength, physical wellness, and a lifestyle built upon healthy habits that bring glory to your name. Amen.”
Prayer for Wellness of an Elderly Loved One
Our elderly loved ones need our prayers, too. Your elder loved one might be a family member, neighbor, or friend.
As you pray for this loved one, remember that God hears your words and will respond in his perfect timing. Here is a sample prayer to pray.
“Lord God, thank you for caring for this loved one so deeply. Right now, I pray that you will bring a full recovery from everything that ails this dear person. I lift this healing prayer with faith and hope, and I ask you to fill this beloved person’s heart with your joy and hope. Amen.”
Prayer for Wellness of the Chronically Ill
Watching friends and loved ones suffer from chronic illness is painful. At times, we feel helpless and wish we could ease their suffering.
Meanwhile, God’s Word reminds us to pray for the sick, and this includes those who deal with long-term illness. Here is a prayer for someone who is chronically ill.
“Almighty God, thank you that when you died on the cross, you bore our suffering and endured our pain. You know how it feels to be ill and to suffer. Please help this chronically ill loved one to endure this suffering and bring hope, healing, and restoration for your glory. Amen.”
Dear friend, God hears the prayers of his people. Sometimes, he responds by miraculously healing our loved ones immediately. Other times, his healing takes time, and he often uses medical intervention to provide healing.
At other times, God waits to fully restore the bodies of our loved ones in heaven. Even if this is the case, we can thank God for his healing before we see signs of its manifestation.
Are you looking for some tools and tips to boost your prayer life? If so, be sure to visit our Prayer Resources Library where you’ll find everything you need to become a powerful prayer warrior!
As you continue to pray for the wellness of others—and for yourself—recognize that God hears all of your prayers.
Even if he seems slow to answer your prayer, he is moving in the heavenly realms. You will see the answer to your prayer when the time is right.
Until you see the answer, keep thanking God for hearing you. He loves you and cares about every detail of your life.