husband and wife sitting at the table praying over their bible

25 Powerful Daily Marriage Prayers

Daily marriage prayers are a great way to keep God the center of a marriage.

Would you like to be more faithful to pray for your marriage, or do you want to more consistently pray for a married couple in your life?

God hears the prayers of his children, and he moves in our lives in response to our prayers.

God can use our marriage prayers to unite struggling couples, heal hearts, and restore marriages.  Our heavenly Father designed marriage, and thriving marriages glorify God.

Furthermore, when we lift our requests to God, he unites our hearts with his heart.  

He gives us encouraging words to speak to the married couples in our lives—and even encouraging words to speak to our spouses.  

God can also use prayer to soften our hearts toward our spouses.  

If your marriage is struggling, the following daily prayers are designed to align your heart with God’s heart as you pray for your spouse.

As God shapes and softens your heart, he will give you his love for your spouse, and this will help your marriage grow.

husband and wife kneeling by a couch in prayer

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Daily Marriage Prayers

Marriages in all stages need prayer.  

Satan knows that two united people working for the glory of God can make a great impact for the kingdom of God.   For this reason, the enemy aims to destroy marriages.

Pray daily marriage prayers in the morning, throughout the day, and before bed.

Here are 25 daily marriage prayers to promote growth, healing, and unity in your relationship.

Marriage Prayer for Restoration

“Lord God, you are the Father of all restoration.  

In the name of Jesus, we pray that you will restore what has been lost in this marriage.  

Bring this married couple to a place of unity in Christ, deepen their trust in you, and work in their marriage to strengthen their trust in one another.  Amen.”

Daily Marriage Prayer for Restoraton

All marriages need God’s restoration at times.  

At times, small daily squabbles give Satan footholds of anger that can easily turn to bitterness.  At other times, more serious disagreements threaten to derail marriages.

Ask God to restore your marriage daily, and he will continue to bind the enemy’s work and unite your hearts.

Marriage Prayer for Forgiveness

“Father God, we come before you today and ask for a spirit of forgiveness to prevail in this marriage.  

Soften the hearts of this married couple, give them your love for one another, and remind them of the depth of your forgiveness.  

We pray that they will forgive one another, cultivate tender hearts, and move forward in harmony.  Amen.”

Daily Marriage Prayer for Forgiveness

Married couples disagree and speak words they don’t mean.  At times, greater offenses undermine the trust within marriages.  

When these situations occur, we can pray for a spirit of forgiveness to prevail in the marriage.

God is pleased when we learn to forgive one another, just as he has forgiven us in Christ Jesus.

Marriage Prayer for Unity

“Dear God, we pray for a bond of peace to unite this couple.  

By the power of the Holy Spirit, work within this marriage to promote a stronger bond of unity.  

Align the hearts and minds of this couple so that they are of one mind, walking together in love.  Amen.”

Daily Marriage Prayer for Unity

When a couple disagrees about an important decision or moral issue, praying for a spirit of unity is helpful.  

God wants all believers to walk together in a spirit of unity; however, unity is especially important within marriage.

Whether a married couple is making a decision about how to parent children, choosing which career option to pursue, or deciding how to care for elderly parents, unity is essential for peace.

Marriage Prayer for Hard Times

“Dear Lord, thank you for bringing this couple together for their good and your glory.  

You haven’t missed a moment of the challenging situation they are facing.  

We pray that you will reveal yourself to them during this time, help them to seek your face, and fill them with your wisdom.  Amen.”

Daily Marriage Prayer for Hard Times

Tough times fall upon every marriage that lasts.   When these times come, God wants the couple to draw near to him for strength and direction.  

Pray that challenging circumstances will lead this married couple closer together and closer to God.  

Pray that God will use the furnace of affliction to transform this couple into the image of Jesus.

Marriage Prayer for Friendship

“Lord God, we know that the healthiest marriages are marriages between friends.  

We pray that you will keep the friendship strong within this marriage.  Rekindle the connection that first brought these two together and show them creative ways to connect as friends.  

We pray that this groundwork of friendship, built on the solid rock of Christ, will be the foundation for the marriage.  Amen.”

Daily Marriage Prayer for Friendship

When best friends get married, these marriages are built on strong foundations.  

Sadly, over time, many couples lose sight of the friendship that first brought them together.

Pray that friendship will become central to the marriage again.  From this friendship, the marriage will be strengthened and joy will expand.

Marriage Prayer for a Stronger Relationship

“Lord Jesus, we pray that you will help this couple establish a stronger relationship.  

Remind them of the reasons why you brought them together, fill them with your love for one another, and help them to express sincere compassion and care for one another.  

Thank you for strengthening this relationship for the good of this couple and the honor of your name.  Amen.”

Daily Marriage Prayer for a Stronger Relationship

Strong marriages include a great deal of selflessness and unconditional love.  When both spouses exhibit these characteristics, marriages thrive.

Pray for this marriage to be built on selfless love and pray for a stronger relationship to grow.  

All marriages have room for growth, and this is a powerful prayer to pray over any marriage.

Marriage Prayer for the Wedding Day

“Father God, we are excited to see the way you will use this married couple to do your work of loving others in this world.  

We pray that you will bless this marriage, fill it with joy, and be at the center.  May each of these individuals seek you first, and may a strong relationship grow from the overflow of your love.  

We pray that this couple will be strong because you are their anchor and foundation.   Amen.”

Daily Marriage Prayer for the Wedding Day

The wedding day is exciting, and it is filled with well-wishes and hopes for a promising future.  

Pray for God’s blessing and favor to cover this newly married couple and pray that he will be the center of their lives.

When God is at the center of a relationship, the relationship will flourish.  

There will be bumps in the road, but by returning to Christ, no bump will be so great that it breaks apart the relationship.

Marriage Prayer for the Honeymoon

“Lord, thank you for light-hearted fun and celebration.  

We pray that this couple will have a replenishing and deeply bonding time together as they celebrate their union in marriage.  Allow them to laugh often, talk deeply, and love each other well.  

We pray for loosely held expectations and open lines of communication during this honeymoon.  Amen.”

Daily Marriage Prayer for the Honeymoon

A honeymoon is a wonderful way of celebrating the new life that is created through marriage.  

As you pray for this married couple, pray for them to have a good time; however, also pray that conversations will lead to deeper issues and that this time away will strengthen the relationship.

Additionally, honeymoons are often filled with expectations.  

Pray that this couple will hold their expectations loosely and be cognizant of the feelings, hopes, fears, and expectations of one another.

Marriage Prayer After the Birth of a Child

“God, thank you for the blessing of this child.  

We pray that you will bless this child and that he/she will walk in your ways, love you, and follow hard after you.   We also pray for this little one’s parents as they adjust to parenthood.  

Unite their hearts and help them to extend extra grace to one another during this time of transition.  Amen.”

Daily Marriage Prayer After the Birth of a Child

New parents need our prayers.  This time of transition is challenging for most parents.   

Pray for these new parents to extend extra grace and kindness to each other.  

Pray that they will be united as a team as they embark on the adventure of parenthood together.

Marriage Prayer for Anniversary

“Lord God, thank you for bringing this couple together.  

On their anniversary, we pray for another year of growing together and growing toward you.  

Connect their hearts in the bonds of love, fill their marriage with joy, and use them together to bring you glory on earth.  Amen.”

Daily Marriage Prayer for Anniversary

An anniversary is a wonderful time to pray for a married couple to grow together while also accomplishing God’s will on earth.

Pray that the couple will continue to grow in love, walk in joy, and honor God through their lives.

Marriage Prayer for Finances 

“Dear Lord Jesus, we thank you for being our Provider.  

We pray for this couple’s finances and ask you to help them be good stewards of the financial gifts you have given to them.  

Keep them free from the love of money but allow them to use their resources for your glory.  Amen.”

Daily Marriage Prayer for Finances

Finances are a common area of strife in many marriages.  

In addition to praying that this couple will be united when it comes to financial decisions, pray that they will honor God with their use of money.

God wants to bless his children.  Pray that God’s blessing includes financial stability and peace in the area of finances.  

Marriage Prayer for God’s Power

“Holy God, thank you that through the shed blood of your Son, we have direct access to your throne.  

We pray that your power will come upon this couple so that they will glorify your name on earth.  Work through them to draw others into your love and fill them with your holy passion for the lost.  

May your power fuel them as they share the gospel and extend your love to a hurting world.   Amen.”

Daily Marriage Prayer for God's Power

God wants to pour his power out among his people.

Pray for this couple to experience God’s power as they share his love, extend compassion, and spread the gospel on earth.  

When God’s power is at work in a believer, his kingdom expands on earth.

Marriage Prayer for a Happy Marriage

“Dear Lord, we thank you that you withhold no good thing from those who walk blamelessly with you.  

We thank you for the gift of marriage and pray that this will be a happy marriage—filled with the joy and peace that is found in you alone.  

May the joy that this couple shares be contagious in the world.  Amen.”

Daily Marriage Prayer for a Happy Marriage

God is pleased when we enjoy his good gifts and exude his joy.  After all, we are told that his joy is to be our strength (see Nehemiah 8:10).

Pray that this married couple will be filled with joy and happiness.  When this happens, others will be drawn to God through them.

Marriage Prayer for Decision-Making

“Father God, thank you that you know the beginning from the end.  

You have seen all of our days, and all of our days are ordained by you.  Please guide this couple in making decisions together.  

Unite them and align their hearts with yours so that their decisions will honor you.  Amen.”

Daily Marriage Prayer for Decision Making

Decision-making within marriage is challenging when a husband and wife cannot agree on a decision.  

Ask God to unite this couple so that they will make decisions together—for God’s glory.

When couples know how to work through conflicts and make decisions as a united front, their potential to impact the world for God’s glory is immense.

Marriage Prayer for Gratitude

“Lord, thank you for the gift of marriage.  We pray that you will fill this couple with gratitude.  

Instead of focusing on what they don’t appreciate about one another, help them fix their eyes on what they do appreciate and love.  

We pray that gratitude for one another will be at the heart of this marriage and that love will be built upon mutual appreciation.   Amen.”

Daily Marriage Prayer for Gratitude

In any relationship, it’s easy to focus on what is annoying in the other person.  

Pray that this married couple will resist the temptation to focus on what’s not perfect and will instead give thanks for the many gifts the other person brings into the relationship.

Praying this way daily can transform any marriage.

Marriage Prayer for Peace

“God, we ask you to shower your peace upon this marriage.  

We pray that any attitudes that are not of you will step aside in Jesus’ name, and we ask that the fruit of the Spirit will abound in this marriage.  

May these people be people of peace, joy, love, kindness, and every fruit of a Spirit-lived life.  Amen.”

Daily Marriage Prayer for Peace

Many marriages could use more peace. 

Instead of complaining about issues, we can simply pray for peace within the marriage.

Pray that this married couple will experience the fruit of the Spirit within the marriage and beyond.  

When a marriage is undergirded with peace, God is glorified.

Marriage Prayer for Struggling Couples

“Lord Jesus Christ, we pray that you will make yourself known to this couple.  You know that they are struggling.  

Please stir their hearts to seek you and find guidance in you.  

Redeem what has been lost and help them to walk in step with the Holy Spirit as they overcome this struggle together.  Amen.”

Daily Marriage Prayer for Struggling Couples

The marriage covenant is for life.   Meanwhile, all marriages face struggles.

Pray for this couple to turn to Jesus in the middle of their struggles.  Pray that their hearts will remain soft toward him as he guides and leads them.

Marriage Prayer for Tired Parents

“Lord, you see that these parents are weary.  

We ask you to fill them with your supernatural power and help them to rise above the exhaustion they are facing in this season.  

Help them to walk in your love when patience is thin and enable them to be your hands and feet.  Amen.”

Daily Marriage Prayer for Tired Parents

Married couples grow tired for many reasons.   Parenthood is often one of those reasons.

Whether the married couple you are praying for is tired from parenting young children or teenagers—or for a different reason—pray for the Lord to pour out his power and uphold them.

Marriage Prayer for Older Couples

“Lord God, thank you for this married couple.  

We pray that as they continue to walk through the seasons of life together, you will bring them closer together, guide them, and allow them to be your sources of love and light in this world.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Daily Marriage Prayer for Older Couples

Older couples need marriage prayers, too.  Pray that God will continue to mold their hearts and fill them with his love.

Older people have the wonderful opportunity to share their wisdom with younger generations.  

Pray that this older couple will share God’s wisdom with many younger people.

Marriage Prayer for Hope

“O God, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we pray that you will bring hope into this marriage.  

In Jesus’ name, we pray against the spirits of hopelessness and despair.  

Reveal yourself as the Living Hope in this marriage and help this couple to wait expectantly for you.  Amen.”

Daily Marriage Prayer for Hope

All marriages need prayers for hope at times.

Pray that God will be the living source of hope for this couple.  Also, pray that this couple will have eyes to watch for the Lord and expect him to move.

Marriage Prayer for Unconditional Love

“Lord God, we ask that your unconditional love will overflow within this marriage.  

Fill this husband and wife with love that can only come from you.  

Enable them to love another without conditions and help them go into the world as bearers of your never-ending love.   Amen.”

Daily Marriage Prayer for Unconditional Love

God is the Father of all love.  Because all love comes from God, when you pray for married couples to be filled with God’s love, you are also praying for them to encounter him.

Pray that God’s love will be the glue that holds this marriage together as well as the inspiration for going into the world as ambassadors for Christ.

Marriage Prayer for Times of Grief

“Father, we come to you in this time of loss and ask you to work in this marriage.  

Help this couple to extend grace to one another as they process grief in their own ways.  

Work through the power of your Holy Spirit to heal their hearts in the name of Jesus Christ.   Amen.”

Daily Marriage Prayer for Times of Grief

Times of grief can be divisive in marriages.  

Pray that God will unite hearts and help this married couple grow through grief together.  

Pray for God’s healing hand to touch their hearts.

Marriage Prayer After the Loss of a Child

“Lord God, thank you that you know how it feels to lose a Child.  

You experienced grief when your precious Son died on the cross.  We ask you to help this couple navigate what no parents should ever have to navigate.  

Knit their hearts together, surround them with support, and provide everything they need to get through this dark valley of grief together.  Amen.

Daily Marriage Prayer After the Loss of a Child

The loss of a child is one of life’s most painful losses.  

Commit to praying daily for any married couple in the aftermath of losing a child, and you will give them a priceless gift.  

These couples need our prayers as they walk through the grief of such a painful loss.

Ask God to surround them with support, help them to extend grace to one another, and protect their marriage as they walk through long valley of grief.

Marriage Prayer for Uncertain Times

“Dear heavenly Father, please help this couple to trust you during these uncertain times.  

Help them to see the work of your hand in their daily lives and press into you as they trust that you will direct them.  

Thank you for being our Guide, Provider, and Protector.  Amen.”

Daily Marriage Prayer for Uncertain Times

Uncertain times are challenging for couples.  Ask God to help this married couple to trust in him in uncertain times.

Also, pray that God will unite their hearts as they wait for him to open the next door of opportunity.

Are you looking for some tools and tips to boost your prayer life? If so, be sure to visit our Prayer Resources Library where you’ll find everything you need to become a powerful prayer warrior!

Marriage Prayer for Christ to be at the Center of the Marriage

“Almighty God, we know that keeping Christ at the center of our marriages is one of the most important things we can do to keep our relationships strong.  

We pray that Jesus will be at the center of this marriage relationship.  

We ask you to unite this couple in a bond of inseparable love and allow their lives to bring great glory to your name.  Amen.”

Daily Marriage Prayer for Christ to be at the Center of the Marriage

When Jesus is at the center of a marriage, the marriage is strengthened by his presence.

Pray that this married couple will keep Christ at the center of their relationship.  Pray that they will turn to Jesus first for comfort, direction, and truth. 

All married couples need prayers.   These marriage prayers can bless your marriage or the marriages of your friends and family members.

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God wants our marriages to bring him glory.  

Marriage is also a depiction of Jesus’ love for his bride, the church.  

Pray that your marriage and the marriages of those you care about will exemplify Christ’s selfless love for his people.

Through the power of Christ, a godly marriage can have a great impact on the world as the devoted couple shares the love of Christ and encourages one another.  

Sharing is caring!

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