Have you ever just wanted to cry out a God Help Me prayer when you are struggling with something difficult?
During his time on Earth, Jesus encouraged his followers to draw near to him like little children.
Young children are trusting, dependent, and needy, and Jesus wants us to embrace these same childlike attitudes.
Our heavenly Father is delighted when we approach him like little children and bring him our needs. He wants us to pray about everything—on all occasions.
The Apostle Paul reminded the Ephesians to “pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests” (Ephesians 6:18, NIV).
In the same way, we are to call on God for all of our needs. Some of the most powerful prayers are prayers of utter dependence upon God as we cry out to him, “God, help me.”
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God Help Me Prayers
God wants to help us by answering our prayers for needs that feel trivial as well as needs that feel consuming and life-altering.
He is a good Father, and he wants us to draw near to him in dependence so that he might reveal himself to us.
Today, we’ll look at 18 prayers for God’s help in various situations. God is pleased when we call out to him and ask him to intervene in our lives.
Daily Prayer for God’s Help
“Father God, thank you for hearing the prayers of your children. Today, I come to you in need of help.
I realize that I cannot manage the difficult situations in my life without your support.
God help me! Please intervene on my behalf and reveal yourself as Provider, Sustainer, and Lifter of my head. Amen.”
Do you need help navigating a challenging situation?
Perhaps you are weary and cannot continue forward in your own strength.
Call on God to help you. He is waiting. He delights to make his power known when we feel weak (see 2 Corinthians 12:9).
If you are new to prayer and not sure exactly how to get started, here are some creative but powerful prayer methods.
Prayer for God’s Help in My Marriage
“Heavenly Father, thank you for my marriage. Thank you for understanding every complexity woven into this relationship.
I trust that you have a plan and a purpose for this union. God help me! In Jesus’ name, I ask you to intervene and help my marriage by uniting our hearts and minds.
Fill us afresh with love for one another and commitment to one another. Please work this marriage to restore and strengthen us both together. Amen.”
All marriages experience difficult times. When these times come, God wants to help married couples remain united.
He wants to restore and rebuild what is often lost in marriage relationships.
If your marriage is struggling, you are not alone. God is with you. Turn to him and pray for God’s help to restore your marriage.
Then, commit to keep doing the work needed to strengthen your marriage.
God wants to help your marriage thrive, and he will ask you to invest effort and energy into the relationship. Meanwhile, he will bless your effort and your commitment.
Prayer for God’s Help with My Kids
“O Lord, you see where I am struggling as a parent right now. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I ask for supernatural wisdom to parent these kids. I cannot do this in my own strength.
help me! I need you, Father. Please give me wisdom as I make decisions. Guide my words and lead me on the path that is best for my kids and our family as a whole. Amen.”
Parenting is a high calling, and all parents need God’s help in raising their children.
Whether your children are young and live within your home or adults living independently, you can always pray for God’s help as a parent.
God is the perfect Father. He does not expect us to be perfect parents, but he can direct us as we invest in the lives of our children.
Ultimately, the goal of Christian parents is to raise children who trust in the name of Jesus for eternal life.
Pray that God will help you find opportunities to point your kids to Jesus, and God will begin showing you these opportune moments.
Prayer for God’s Help with My Finances
“O God, you see the condition of my finances. Thank you for providing for all of my needs. I want to be a good steward of the money you have entrusted to me.
Today, I ask you to help me make wise financial decisions and live in a way that honors you. God help me with my finances and show me how to best use this money for your glory. Amen.”
When Jesus walked on Earth, he often taught about finances. He knew that money was important to people, and he also saw the way that it became a snare for many people.
Ask God for help manage your finances, and then do your best to make wise financial decisions. Invest wisely, aim to save your money, and try to live generously.
Seek the Lord, and he will help you make wise financial decisions.
Prayer for God’s Help in Times of Trouble
“Dear God, thank you for your tender love—even in this difficult time of trouble. Thank you that when the storms of life seem to batter me, your Son, Jesus Christ, is right beside me.
God help me to turn to Jesus amid this troubled time. I pray that this difficult time will ultimately lead me closer to you—deeper into your unending love for me. Amen.”
God wants to help us when we face troubled times.
If you feel as if you are in a storm right now, remember that Jesus has not left your side. He is with you, and he can calm the storm with a single word.
Until this storm calms, trust that there is a purpose for it. You can also trust that Jesus will not forsake you or abandon you.
Keep pressing close to him, and he will use this difficult time to help you grow in maturity (see James 1:2-4).
Prayer for God’s Help in a Time of Need
“Dear Lord, thank you for the many good gifts in my life. Right now, I am in a time of need, and I trust that you have not taken your eyes off of me.
God help me to find my hope in Christ Jesus in this difficult time as I trust that nothing is too hard for the Son of God.
Please use this refining fire to remove the impurities from my life, Lord. I pray this all in the name of Jesus. Amen.”
In times of need, it’s easy to turn to our human strength to carry us through. We tend to rely on our own understanding instead of seeking God in all our ways and trusting him to carry us.
If you are facing a difficult time of need, ask God to help you grow in trust and watch for him to make your path wide and straight. He is waiting to help you.
Prayer for God’s Help When Plans Fail
“Lord God, thank you that you are always with me, and you promise to fulfill your plans for my life. As I face the difficult and painful failure of my plans, I feel discouraged.
By the power of your righteous right hand, I trust that you will open the next door of opportunity when the time is right. God help me to wait on you and press into you as I grieve this loss. Amen.”
When our plans fail, God’s help is readily available. Failure often hurts, but God can redeem any failure.
Turn to God amid your failed plans and trust that when God closes a door, he is capable of opening a different door—a better one!
Prayer for God’s Help in a Time of Loneliness
“Almighty God, thank you for being present in my hour of loneliness. Thank you for being close to me even when I’m on the brink of despair.
God help me! Even though I feel all alone, I know that you are with me. Thank you for the promise that you will never leave me or abandon me. Please comfort me with your love today. Amen.”
In times of loneliness, God wants us to turn to him and find comfort in him.
He promises never to leave us nor forsake us (see Deuteronomy 31:6), and we can stand on this promise in lonely times.
God wants to carry you through this time, bless you, and comfort you.
Turn to him by reading your Bible, worshiping him, spending time with other believers, praying, and even enjoying your favorite hobbies with him.
God is the lifter of your head, and he waits to give you comfort.
Prayer for God’s Help in an Impossible Situation
“Lord God, thank you that nothing is too hard for you. I pray for your divine intervention during this hard time.
I recognize that the only way for a positive outcome to unfold is through the power of your intervention.
God help me! I feel like this situation is impossible, but I cling to the promise that nothing is impossible with you. Please work in this situation at your perfect time. I wait eagerly for you. Amen.”
Difficult situations often feel impossible when we approach them in our human strength.
The next time you face an impossible situation, remind yourself that nothing is too hard for God.
His arm is not too short to save you, and he is pleased when you turn to him and seek his help.
Today, turn to God and ask him for help. God loves to work miracles amid life’s most impossible situations.
As you wait for him to move, also remember this: The greatest miracle often is the shaping of our hearts to look more like Jesus’ heart. We look for specific answers to our prayers, but God is more concerned about our hearts.
Prayer for God’s Help in Spiritual Battles
“Father God, thank you for the spiritual protection you employ when your children come to you in humble trust. You are the one True God, and you are always good.
Today, I run to your throne of grace. In the name of my Savior Jesus Christ, I ask you to strengthen me for the spiritual battle surrounding me.
God help me! Come to my aid and empower me to stand strong in this battle. Amen.”
Do you sense that you are fighting a spiritual battle right now? We live in a spiritual world, and we all face spiritual battles.
As the Apostle Paul reminded the Ephesian church, the battles we are fighting are not of flesh and blood; instead, spiritual forces are always at war in the heavenly realms.
Jesus faced a spiritual battle when he asked God to remove the cup of suffering from him in the Garden of Gethsemane.
If you are in a spiritual battle right now, you are free to ask God to remove the suffering you are facing.
However, like Jesus, remember that if God asks you to continue to press through the battle, he has a reason. His reason will be for your good and his glory.
Prayer for God’s Help to Accomplish Great Things
“Lord God, thank you for filling me with a desire to accomplish great things for your kingdom.
As I chase my dreams and pursue the vision you have placed upon my life, I ask for your power to help me overcome shortcomings of every kind.
I pray that every door you want me to walk through will open wide in front of me, and every door that is not for my good and your glory will slam shut.
I trust you to work in and through me to accomplish great things for your glory. Amen.”
Do you have a deep desire for greatness? Perhaps you are chasing a great dream that has the power to glorify and magnify God. Maybe you want to write a book or launch a ministry.
Ask God to empower you to do what he has called you to do. He wants to fill you with his Spirit and enable you to walk through every door that will glorify his name.
Meanwhile, pray for a trusting spirit. At times, our great dreams and goals are motivated by the desire for personal greatness instead of the desire to glorify God and help others.
When your highest goals are God’s glory and the well-being of others, your heart is in the right place for your dreams to come to pass.
Prayer for God’s Help in Making Decisions
“Holy God, thank you for the inner peace you give to me when I seek you with my whole heart. Today, I pray that you will help me make the right decision in the situation I am facing.
God help me to desire only what you want for me. Please guide me, direct me, and lead me so that I might walk in your will. Amen.”
God cares about our decisions. He wants us to walk in wisdom and experience his fullness and provision.
If you are struggling with a decision you need to make, ask God to help you make the decision that aligns with his purposes according to the Kingdom of God.
Also, pay attention to the peace God gives to you. Often, when you make the right decision, the peace of God will surround you and show you the way to go.
Prayer for God’s Help at Your Workplace
“Lord God, thank you for providing me with this job. I know that you see the challenges I face in my workplace, and I acknowledge that I need your help to guide me and direct me.
God help me! Give me wisdom so that I might glorify you and honor you.
I also ask you to sustain me and fill me with your love for the people with whom I interact daily. Help me to be your vessel in my workplace. Amen.”
God calls us to certain jobs so that we might be his vessels of love in the world. Your workplace is your mission field, and God wants to equip you to share his love in your mission field.
He will provide opportunities for you to talk about your faith in Jesus, but much of this calling is focused on loving others.
Ask God to help you respond to difficult situations with kindness and patience.
Ask him to help you bear fruit as you abide in Christ and ask him to pour his love through you while you interact with others.
Prayer for God’s Help in Your Friendships
“Lord God, thank you for the friends in my life. Today, I ask you to help me in these friendships. Please give me wisdom in the areas where these relationships are strained.
God help me to see through your perspective and act the way Jesus would act in my friendships. Amen.”
Over time, most friendships face conflicts. Because we live in a fallen world, even the best of friends hurt one another and offend one another.
The next time you face trouble in a friendship, turn to God.
Instead of perseverating over the issue or wasting valuable energy having imaginary conversations in your head, ask God to lead you.
Ask for his wisdom, and then approach your friend with love and sincerity.
God wants to be the center of your friendships, and he wants his people to live in unity and harmony.
Prayer for God’s Help in Difficult Family Situations
“Father God, thank you for caring for every member of our family. Today, we ask you to help us as we navigate a difficult family situation.
Please unify everyone in this family and help us to extend love and kindness to one another. Please lead us to a place of peace and reconciliation as we work through this situation. Amen.”
All families face challenging and divisive situations at times. During these times, God wants to help our families restore peace and reconcile.
God wants our earthly families to walk in peace, unity, and love. He waits to help you be a peacemaker and unifier within your family.
Whether your family is facing a major disagreement or minor misunderstanding, ask God to guide you and help you.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, God can bring understanding and restoration to the situation you are facing.
Prayer for God’s Help in Your Ministry
“Lord God, thank you for calling me to join you in ministering to others. I count it a great honor that you have chosen me to be your vessel of love to others.
Today, I ask you to help me as I continue forward in ministry. Fill in the gaps where I am lacking, empower me with your Spirit, and help me to make wise decisions. Amen.”
Ministering to others is a great joy and honor, but it can also be challenging.
Whether your ministry is thriving or struggling, ask God to empower you, fill you with wisdom, and direct you.
Especially when dealing with conflicts with other believers, it’s important to turn to God and look to him for guidance and help.
Pray that God will unify those who are ministering together and fill you with compassion and patience.
When God’s people join together to minister to others, the enemy often attacks by causing division and stirring up problems.
Commit that you will continue to stand strong against these attacks as you seek the Lord’s guidance.
Prayer for God’s Help in Your Struggle with Sin
“Dear God, thank you for your great love for me. Thank you for demonstrating your love by sending your Son to die in my place.
I come to you with a repentant heart today and ask you to forgive me for the sins I continue to repeat.
God, help me to break free from these sinful patterns and deliver me from the grip of this bondage. Amen.”
Do you feel defeated by a certain pattern of sin in your life?
You might feel like you will never find freedom from a certain sin, or you might feel ashamed because you continue to wrestle with the same sin repeatedly.
Regardless of the form of your sinful pattern, turn to God for help. He is not angry with you, and he wants to help you find freedom.
Repent by telling God that you want to turn away from this sin and turn toward him. Then, ask him to show you what you need to do to step into his freedom.
Prayer for God’s Help with Sharing Your Faith
“Dear Lord, thank you for the many people who cross my path daily. I ask you to help me as I aim to be your ambassador and share the good news of the Gospel with others.
Please provide opportunities for me to share my faith and bring people who long for an encounter with you into my presence.
I ask for a spirit of boldness and love—so that others will be drawn to Christ through me. Amen.”
Do you want to share your faith in Christ more actively and confidently?
God wants to empower you and help you to share the good news of the Gospel with others, and he is waiting for you to ask for his help.
Before he ascended into heaven, Jesus called all of his followers to go and make disciples, and we are called to follow this command.
Are you looking for some tools and tips to boost your prayer life? If so, be sure to visit our Prayer Resources Library where you’ll find everything you need to become a powerful prayer warrior!
Perhaps you hesitate to share your faith because you feel intimidated. Maybe you fear the rejection of others.
If so, ask God to help you overcome the fear of man as you remember that all who follow Christ will face rejection at times.
Ask God to fill you with his love for others. From the overflow of this love, pray that God will use you to draw others into his kingdom and family.
Adding these prayers for God’s help can bolster your prayer life by continually leading you to a posture of dependence upon God.
When we learn to stop turning to our human strength and, instead, turn to God for help, we grow closer to him.
Above all else, God longs for a close relationship with you. Turn to him, seek him with your whole heart, and you will find him. He is waiting to lead you, guide you, and help you.
Just as a good Father is delighted when his children turn to him for help, God delights when you seek him and ask for his help.