woman hugging her husband above the shoulders from behind

22 Powerful Morning Prayers for My Husband

Do you want to be more consistent when it comes to praying for your husband

God calls Christian wives to support, encourage, and help their husbands.  Praying for him is one of the most powerful ways a woman can support her husband.

God hears the prayers of his children.  When we pray for our husbands, God responds by working in their lives in powerful ways.

Furthermore, when a wife prays for her husband, God uses the prayers to shape the wife’s heart, too.  When we pray for others, God aligns our hearts with his heart. 

Therefore, a wife’s prayers for her husband will align her heart with God’s loving and compassionate heart toward her husband. 

Today, we’ll talk about how wives can pray powerful prayers for their husbands.

woman fixing her husband's tie

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Morning Prayers for My Husband

Starting the day with prayer sets us up for success by aligning our hearts with God’s heart right away.  For this reason, morning is a great time to pray blessings over our husbands

Our husbands need our prayers during times of peace and abundance in their lives, and they need our prayers when life is challenging. 

Use the following prayers to guide you in lifting your husband before God’s heavenly throne.

Morning Prayer for My Husband 1

Short Morning Prayer for My Husband

God wants to guide our husbands.  He wants to fill them with peace and joy and help them to be his ambassadors in the world.

The following short morning prayer is a good prayer for any season of life.  Pray this prayer when you aren’t sure what to pray but want to bless your husband.

Lord God, thank you for the great love you have for my husband. 

I pray that you will fill him with your peace and joy today. 

Guide his footsteps, shine your face upon him, direct his decisions, grant him discernment, and let your favor be upon him.  Amen.

Morning Prayer for My Husband 2

Morning Prayer for My Husband at Work

Our husbands need our prayers when they go into their workplaces. 

Whether work is a pleasant or stressful environment, it’s important to pray for God’s blessings over our husbands’ jobs and interactions with others.

Pray the following prayer over your husband’s work, ask the Lord to help him, and pray that he would have a great day as he experiences God’s presence with him.

Good Lord, thank you that my husband is the work of your hands. 

I pray that you will bless his hard work today, give him a sense of your presence with him at work today, and fill his day with good things and blessings. 

Empower him to honor you with his words, attitudes, and actions, and help him to be found in favor with his coworkers, overseers, and those with whom he interacts.  Amen. 

Morning Prayer for My Husband 3

Morning Prayer for My Husband on His Birthday

A birthday blessing is one of the greatest gifts we can offer to another person. 

On your husband’s birthday, pray for God’s blessings to be showered upon him and pray that God will work in his heart to draw him into a deeper relationship throughout the upcoming year.

Bless your husband by praying the following birthday prayer.

Almighty God, thank you for the gift of my husband, the love of my life. 

Today, on his birthday, I pray that he will have an especially blessed day that is filled with joy and many gifts from you. 

I pray that this will be a year of abundant blessings and a deeper relationship with you. 

In the name of Jesus, bless him with the gift of a long life, overflowing joy, and a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. Amen.

Morning Prayer for My Husband

Morning Prayer for My Husband to Have a Worshipful Heart

When our hearts are filled with worship toward the Lord, we live with joy and peace. 

In his letter to the Roman church, the Apostle Paul wrote that offering our bodies as living sacrifices is our spiritual act of worship (see Romans 12:1-2). 

Pray that your husband will have a worshipful heart, and you will set him up for joy, peace, and a deep sense of satisfaction throughout his day.

Dear Lord, thank you for this beautiful morning in which you’ve given us the chance to worship you. 

I pray that you will fill my husband’s heart with joy and help him to live in such a way that he worships you in his heart while he works today. 

May he love others from the overflow of his love for you and find great peace in the process.  Amen.

Morning Prayer for My Husband

Short Morning Prayer for My Husband’s Health

Whether your husband is unhealthy or well, praying for his health is important.  

Ask God to protect him from illness, sustain him amid ongoing health issues, and fill him with hope and vitality.

Feeling unwell can be a stumbling block to fulfilling God’s plans for our lives.  Unhealthiness is also frustrating and even debilitating.  Pray the following prayer for your husband’s health.

Lord God, thank you that you want us to live with healthy and whole bodies. 

I pray that you will protect my husband from illnesses and injuries. 

I pray that you will sustain him amid the health issues that he does have and give him the endurance to thrive today. 

Thank you for caring for him so well.  Amen.

Morning Prayer for My Husband

Morning Prayer for My Husband During a Difficult Time

Our husbands desperately need our prayers when life is difficult. 

Whether your husband is struggling at work, feeling frustrated because he doesn’t have a job, working his way through trade school or college, or dealing with a different challenge, he needs your prayers.

Affliction is God’s primary tool for transformation and spiritual maturity; however, difficult times are never pleasant.  Pray for your husband to keep a soft and malleable heart as he endures his trial.

Lord, I lift my lovely husband before your throne today. 

Please be with my husband today and let him experience the sense of your comforting presence during this difficult time. 

I pray that he will keep a soft heart as you use the refining fire to shape his heart and mold him into the image of your Son. 

Please sustain him and carry him through these difficult days.  Amen.

Morning Prayer for My Husband

Morning Prayer for My Husband in Uncertain Times

Is your husband facing uncertainty?  Perhaps his place of employment is issuing layoffs, or maybe he can’t find a job that fits his skills and passions.

Ask God to direct your husband onto the right path, encourage him, and make clear the direction he should go.  God wants to guide your husband.  Pray the following prayer.

Dear Lord, thank you that you know what lies ahead for my loving husband. 

We feel uncertain about the future right now. 

Please help my husband to trust you with what he does not understand, lean not on his own understanding, and seek you in all of his ways. 

We trust that you will lead him to the right path—a path that is straight and clear—in your perfect timing.  Amen.

Morning Prayer for My Husband

Morning Prayer for My Husband to Have a Wonderful Day

Praying for your husband to have a wonderful day might sound simple, but this kind of prayer can yield abundant blessings in your husband’s life. 

God wants to bless your husband on this new day and help him to have a beautiful day, even amid the trials and challenges that come. 

When we learn to see trials and challenges as opportunities to grow, we can have wonderful days regardless of the difficulties we face. 

Here is a prayer for your husband to have a great day.

Father God, thank you for the gift of this beautiful day. 

I pray that my husband will have a wonderful day—no matter what he faces. 

I pray that every difficulty will send him running to your arms, and I pray that he will learn to see the blessings amid even the darkest moments. 

Thank you for your presence with him.  Amen.

Morning Prayer for My Husband

Morning Prayer for My Husband’s Relationships

We were all created for relationships.  We were designed to live in relationships with God and relationships with others, and your husband will be blessed when you pray over his relationships. 

Pray for peace to abound in these relationships and that God will use your husband as a vessel to lead others into the love of Christ. 

Here is a prayer for your husband’s relationships.

Lord God, thank you for the people you have placed in my husband’s life. 

I pray that you will strengthen my husband’s friendships with other believers so that he has a safe place to find accountability and encouragement. 

I also pray that my husband will lovingly share your love with those who do not know him in a way that draws others closer to you.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Morning Prayer for My Husband

Morning Prayer for God to Open Doors for My Husband

When life seems uncertain, we can pray for God to open the right doors for our husbands. 

This prayer is a good prayer to pray during times of transition at work or during any time of transition.

Additionally, you might pray this prayer if your husband is seeking a promotion or would like to advance in his ministry.  Here is a prayer for God’s open doors.

Dear God, thank you that you have a wonderful plan for my husband’s life. I ask you to open the right door for my husband right now as we seek to move forward. 

Thank you that you do not withhold the best things in life from those who earnestly seek you.  We trust you and cannot wait to see how you will answer our prayer.  Amen.

Morning Prayer for My Husband

Morning Prayer for My Husband’s Heart

Is your husband struggling with difficult emotions?  Perhaps he is dealing with a recent betrayal at work or from a friend.  Maybe he is grieving a loss or wrestling with doubt or fear.

Praying for your husband’s heart is a great way to open the door for God to work in his life during challenging times.  Here is a prayer for your husband’s heart in difficult times.

Heavenly Father, you know how much I love my darling husband and want him to be well. 

I pray that you will do a good work in his heart and help him to find healing.  Please help him to deal with his troubling emotions and surrender these emotions to you. 

Guide him and show him how to process these emotions as you align his heart with your heart.  Amen.

Morning Prayer for My Husband

Short Morning Prayer for God’s Blessings for My Husband

When God blesses us, he gives us his good gifts and his favor in our lives. 

We can pray for God to bless our husbands every day, and these prayers hold the power to usher God’s goodness into their lives.

Your prayers for blessings might include good health, enjoyable times spent pursuing hobbies, cherished friendships, and more.  Here is a prayer of blessing for your husband.

Dear God, thank you for this good husband who loves me and loves you. 

I pray that you will bless him with good health today and beyond. 

May his time at work be fruitful and fulfilling, his time enjoying his hobbies be joyful and relaxing, and his time at home be restful and restorative. 

Please bless with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms today.  Amen.

Morning Prayer for My Husband

Morning Prayer for the Grace of God to Abound in My Husband’s Life

God imparts his grace when he works in our lives to accomplish what we cannot do without his help.  We all need God’s grace, and God’s grace can transform your husband’s life. 

Here is a prayer for the grace of God to abound and help your husband today.

Dear Father, I thank you for the great love you have for my dear husband. 

Through the power of your Holy Spirit, I ask you to pour out your grace and help my husband to do what he cannot do without you today. 

Empower him to love others when he feels frustrated, help him to be patient when he grows tired of waiting, and enable him to be kind when he’d rather lash out. 

Thank you for working in his life, Father.  Amen.

Morning Prayer for My Husband

Morning Prayer for My Husband During Illness

Has your husband been ill for an extended period of time, or is he struggling with an annoying virus that is wearing him down? 

If so, pray for your husband to have the strength to endure this illness.

God wants to help your husband press on through this time of sickness.  You can pray the following prayer when your husband is unwell.

Dear Lord, thank you for the love and care you have for each of your children. 

Today, I pray for my husband’s body.  Please give him strength and remove this illness from his body in the mighty name of Jesus. 

Help him to endure this time of suffering with a hopeful heart—knowing that you will never leave him or abandon him.  Amen.

Morning Prayer for My Husband

Morning Prayer for My Husband’s Closest Friendships

Does your husband have a close inner circle of Christian friends

It’s important to be united with like-minded people who can encourage us and point us to Christ when life is difficult.

Whether your husband has close Christian friends or not, the following prayer can open the way to lead these people into his life.  Pray the following prayer.

Father God, thank you for designing us to live in relationships with others. 

I pray that you will bring strong Christian friendships into my husband’s life and strengthen the bonds he has with any brothers in Christ. 

Allow these friendships to be sources of encouragement, accountability, and joy in my husband’s life.  Amen.

Morning Prayer for My Husband

Morning Prayer for My Husband’s Fears

Is your husband facing a fearful situation?  Perhaps he is worried about a health concern regarding a close loved one or navigating his own health crisis. 

Maybe he is fearful about a troubling situation at work or within a friendship. 

God wants his children to live free from fear.  Encourage your husband to speak God’s Word and worship in song when fearful thoughts arise. 

In addition, pray the following prayer against fear over your husband every morning until the fear subsides.

Lord God, you are the God of peace and not the God of fear. 

In the name of Jesus, I pray against the spirit of fear that is plaguing my husband. 

Please strengthen my husband and remind him to speak your Word and worship you whenever fear enters his heart. 

Enable him to overcome the weapon that is meant to destroy him and use it offensively against the enemy.  Amen.

Morning Prayer for My Husband

Morning Prayer for My Husband to Have Hope

Perhaps your husband feels hopeless in a certain situation.  He might feel hopeless in a situation at work, with a friend, or with a relative. 

By praying for your husband to put his hope in Jesus, you can open the floodgates for encouragement and hope to prevail in his life.

Pray the following prayer when your husband needs hope. 

Lord God, thank you for being the source of all hope. 

I pray that you will help my husband learn to put his hope in the fact that you are always present with him—even in the middle of the most distressing situations—instead of putting his hope in escaping these tough situations. 

Help him to encounter you as his Living Hopen.  Amen.

Morning Prayer for My Husband

Morning Prayer for My Husband During Frustrating Times

Does your husband feel frustrated in a difficult situation

Perhaps he is frustrated because of a strained relationship with a friend, parent, or even one of his children.  Maybe he is under attack at work or within the community.

Regardless of the reason for your husband’s frustration, you can pray the following prayer during these difficult situations.

Father God, thank you for understanding every human emotion.  We know that when you came to Earth in the form of a man, you faced every emotion we feel. 

You know how frustrated my husband feels right now, and I ask you to give him wisdom and discernment as to how to proceed in this difficult situation.

Please exchange the sense of frustration for a sense of peace. Amen.

Morning Prayer for My Husband

Morning Prayer for My Husband During an Exhausting Season

Is your husband weary and worn out?  Perhaps you just welcomed a new baby into the house, and no one is sleeping. 

Your husband might not sleep well at night, or maybe he is spread very thin as he cares for his aging parents, goes to work, and tries to keep up with busy teenagers.

Regardless of the reason for your husband’s exhaustion, God wants to be his source of strength.  Pray the following prayer when your husband is worn out and weary.

Lord God, thank you for being with my husband throughout every hour of every day. You see his hard work and how weary he has become. 

I ask you to supernaturally pour out your divine energy upon him.

Fill him with the strength and the power of the Holy Spirit, and enable him to do the work you have called him to do today.  Amen.

Morning Prayer for My Husband

Short Morning Prayer for My Husband When He Is Facing Extreme Stress

When life is stressful, it’s important to seek God’s face and pray for his comfort and provision.  Is your husband facing extreme stress at work, within your family, or in another area of his life?

Ask God to help him cope with stress in a godly way and ask him to lead your husband into healthy diversions where he can relax and release this stress. 

God wants to help your husband live in a way that is lighter and less stressful.

Dear God, you see how stressed and weary my husband is right now. 

I pray that you will help him to cast his cares on you and trust that you care about him and have not forgotten him. 

Thank you for the promise that you will lift the burdens of those who call on you and come to you in their weariness. 

Please help my husband find creative ways to relieve this stress and help lift the burden from his shoulders.  Amen.

Morning Prayer for My Husband

Morning Prayer for My Husband During Times of Loss

Is your husband grieving a difficult loss?  He might have lost a parent, a friend, or a job. 

Maybe his health is failing, and he is grieving the loss of hobbies he once enjoyed and activities that brought life to his soul.

God wants to comfort your husband.  He wants to use this loss to soften your husband’s heart, transform him to look more like Jesus, and develop compassion and empathy.

You can pray the following prayer for your husband during times of loss.

God, thank you for seeing my husband’s hurting heart and for caring about him even more than I care about him. 

I ask you to make your presence known in his life and reveal yourself to him as his Comforter and closest Companion. 

Offer him hope and work in his heart to heal him, restore him, and help him healthily process his emotions.  Amen. 

Morning Prayer for My Husband

Morning Prayer for My Husband’s Spiritual Journey

Lastly, one of the most important prayers you can pray for your husband is a prayer for his relationship with God. 

God is always calling his children into closer relationships with himself, and he wants to become your husband’s closest Friend.

Ask God to draw your husband’s heart deeper into his love, transform his heart through this overflow of love, and set your husband on fire with passion for Jesus.  You can pray the following prayer, and this prayer can transform every other part of your husband’s life.

Lord God, thank you for your desire for a relationship with each of your children.  I pray you will continue to draw my husband’s heart closer to you and deeper into your love. 

Give him a burning desire to spend time with you, know you more deeply, read your Word, and grow in his faith. 

I pray that this relationship will bring you great glory on Earth as my husband carries your love into the world. Amen.

Our prayers hold the potential to richly bless our husbands.  You might pray these prayers alone with God, or you might directly bless your husband by praying these prayers in his presence. 

Are you looking for some tools and tips to boost your prayer life? If so, be sure to visit our Prayer Resources Library where you’ll find everything you need to become a powerful prayer warrior!

22 Powerful Morning Prayers for My Husband

Additionally, allow these prayers to be a springboard to cultivating a consistent habit of praying for your husband. 

By praying for your husband every morning, you will unleash God’s goodness in his life and also develop God’s heart of love and compassion toward your husband. 

This will strengthen your husband and your marriage. 

May God direct you to become a praying wife, and may you be encouraged to know that your prayers are making an impact on eternity. 

Sharing is caring!

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